Understanding Poultry Grit: Importance, Types, and Usage

Poultry Grit

Poultry grit might sound like a term straight out of a geology textbook, but in the world of poultry farming, it’s an essential component for maintaining the health and well-being of chickens and other birds. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of poultry grit, the different types available, and how it’s used in poultry husbandry.

What is Poultry Grit?

Poultry grit is a coarse, insoluble substance that aids in the digestion process of birds, particularly chickens. It’s composed of small, and all types of hard particles like crushed granite, oyster shells, or insoluble minerals like quartz. When consumed by birds, grit travels to the gizzard—a muscular organ in the digestive tract—where it helps break down food into smaller particles, facilitating digestion.

Importance of Poultry Grit

The gizzard of birds, including chickens, lacks teeth, making it challenging to grind down coarse foods like grains, seeds, and fibrous plant materials. This is where poultry grit plays a crucial role. By providing an abrasive material in the gizzard, grit aids in grinding food particles, improving nutrient absorption and overall digestive efficiency.

Types of Poultry Grit

Poultry grit comes in different types and sizes to accommodate the varying needs of different bird species and ages. Here are the main types:

  1. Insoluble Grit: This type of grit consists of hard, insoluble materials such as granite, quartz, or flint. It remains in the gizzard for an extended period, continuously aiding in the grinding process.
  2. Soluble Grit: Soluble grit, such as crushed oyster shells or limestone, dissolves gradually in the digestive tract, releasing essential minerals like calcium. It’s particularly beneficial for egg-laying hens, as calcium is essential for producing strong eggshells.
  3. Mixed Grit: Mixed grit combines both insoluble and soluble components, offering a comprehensive solution for digestive health.

Usage of Poultry Grit

Poultry grit is typically provided to birds as a free-choice supplement, allowing them to consume it as needed. It’s commonly offered in a separate feeder or scattered on the ground, where birds can peck at it at their leisure. Poultry grit should be made available to birds from a young age, as even chicks require grit to aid in digestion, especially when transitioning from chick starter feed to more substantial feeds.

Benefits of Poultry Grit

The benefits of providing poultry grit to birds extend beyond improved digestion:

  1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Proper digestion facilitated by grit ensures that birds can absorb essential nutrients from their feed more efficiently, promoting overall health and productivity.
  2. Reduced Risk of Impaction: Without grit, birds may be at risk of digestive issues such as crop impaction, where undigested food accumulates in the crop, leading to blockages and potentially serious health complications.
  3. Support for Egg Production: For laying hens, access to calcium-rich grit is vital for producing eggs with strong, durable shells, reducing the likelihood of shell abnormalities and egg-related health issues.


In the intricate ecosystem of poultry farming, poultry grit stands as a humble yet indispensable ally in promoting the health and well-being of birds. By aiding in the digestion process, improving nutrient absorption, and supporting egg production, poultry grit plays a vital role in ensuring the vitality and productivity of poultry flocks. Whether it’s insoluble granite grit, soluble oyster shell grit, or a combination of both, providing birds with access to grit ensures that they can thrive and flourish in their environment, embodying the essence of sustainable and compassionate poultry husbandry.

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